Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Published a Facebook Page for Celestial Strands!

I am not really facebook savvy by any means, but I stumbled my way through creating a page for Celestial Strands!  It's just another great place to share photos and news so friends can find it easily... and can be easily lured into my web...  er.. network.  I meant network.  As I understand it, once a certain number of people "like" it, it will be viewable by anyone whether they are a "friend" or not.  I'll have to look into that to see if I understand that correctly.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

I figured out my photo style!

A big part of the online business:  photos.  As the saying goes, pictures are worth a thousand words (and often times more).  If you are depending on your photos to also convey your personal style and the spirit of your individuality, while it also offers a relative scale of the subjects being photographed as well as the accurate color...  The picture could be worth more than just words, but the dollars customers will hopefully spend on what is in the picture!  So - what do you think of my pictures below?  I have to work on the color, but damn if they don't look pretty!  I'm getting closer and closer to getting some stuff on my shop: . I just have to be ready so send stuff out if a buyer comes along faster than I expect!  Don't want to take any chances on a bad review!
I also got some great stuff done on my website, .  Have a look around!  I'm on a roll now!
"Dana" Earrings with Crystal Drop

"Dana" Earrings with Crystal Silver Shade

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Still Under Construction!

Just an update on my website status...
It's slow-going...  Trying to make jewelry at the same time I'm trying to build my website.  I got a few orders for the holidays.  It's fun!  I'm exploring beautiful swarovski crystal colors and amazing components!  There will be very great pieces coming soon!
Taking good photos of my jewelry pieces is going to be one of the most challenging parts of this adventure...  I have a few friends with really great cameras, but it's the lighting and setting that is going to be the most difficult.  I don't want it to look lame!  Wish me the best as I experiment!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Website under construction!

At long last, I am developing my website,  I have gotten to the point in my jewelry making & designing experience that I am comfortable putting it out there!  I have perfected my techniques so I am confident that what I create will be well-worn by many beautiful people.  My desire is that the jewelry pieces I make, when well-cared for, will look beautiful for many, many years to come - just like those who wear them.

I recently designed and created 15 different pieces for my cousin Allison's wedding.  The reaction to it was so inspiring!  It has been the final push I needed to work on my jewelry business in earnest.

I send my thanks out into the Universe to everyone who loves me and supports me.  I am blessed.